Wednesday, July 1, 2009

UPDATE on the blood drive TODAY!!!

If you are planning on coming to today's blood drive:

If you are coming in the mid-afternoon -- eg, not during the lunch hour rush, or after work -- you probably don't need an appointment - and some folks have told me this was a PITA, so show up!

The BBQ will be running all day, so don't worry about getting a bite to eat, they will be cooking for us all day...

Also: EAT A GOOD SOLID MEAL today, at least 2 hrs prior to donating! Don't just count on eating at the BBQ, you need to fill the tank prior to donating. EAT EAT EAT...

DRINK LOTS OF FLUIDS!. Bring a water bottle, and keep pushing fluids all day.
They will have juice and snacks for after your blood draw, but good idea to keep yourself well hydrated!!!

See you all there at some point, and thanks for showing up!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm on my way:) Hopefully I'll run into some friends.






