Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 49 - Kaiser/Oakland

Donna got in her two cents to KP management, here's hoping it leads to better care for Mark...

Day 49 - Kaiser/Oakland

Arrived at 1:30 today to see Mark and also to meet with the Social Services Director, 'Clay'. He informed us that they were not going to send Mark to Kaiser Permanente Acute Center (KPAK) but most probably to a custodial care facility on the Peninsula???? Unknown right now. After my talk yesterday and let it all rip as what was going on in this hospital and the negligence of Mark's care, etc. They had a meeting with doctors, etc., regarding Mark's condition. They never told us and/or Mark as to what was happening except the Social Services person, Clay, told us that Dr. Gruensrud said that Mark's 'fixator' would be on his leg for three to six months - last Thursday it was 5 - 8 weeks. So that is what changed the status of KPAK to custodial nursing care. Is so scary to think of this right leg contraption that if he slipped or even puts pressure on that leg it could shatter the bones again. That is what will take a lot of rehab to train him how to transfer his weight all on the left side and that leg is not all healed yet either. The good part of today was he got a great shave! So the big surprise will be where next? Anywhere on this side of the bay is fine. I'm sure after their meeting today things will be made better for Mark.
Hugs for another day! Tal and Donna

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